September 25, 2020

Rippey public library news, by librarian Phyllis Bardole
Last week was our Greene County Reads. Paton hosted one of the discussions. I went to that one along with Jean Borgeson. I really didn’t get to read “Little Women” word for word, but after Jan Scharingson made it come alive for me, now I want to read some of the other books. I also learned about Louisa May Alcott’s real family. It was different from what she wrote about. There was a drawing in each of the groups for a copy of “Little Women.”
Books are such a fun thing. Sometimes I think I am too busy to read!! It is hard to read with people coming in and out of the library, and when I go home I see things that need done. But we can learn so many things from books and the library books are free! Grand Junction hosted the 2 pm session and Jefferson hosted the last session at the Jefferson Community Golf Course Clubhouse. I hope we don’t have Covid 19 to contend with next year. It has put a damper on a lot of things we would normally do.
I have still been ordering books. Some patrons have asked for sequels to books they have read and teens have asked for some we didn’t have. I want to be able to be able to keep them coming in.
The trustees have decided to have a pumpkin decorating contest in October. It will be different from the Halloween party we always had. We wil purchase pumpkins for a decorating contest. Starting on Monday, Oct. 5, patrons can come to the library and pick out a pumpkin to take home and decorate. This will not be a Jack-O-Lantern, but a decorated pumpkin. I have seen some in magazines that have been painted, or decorated with buttons, sequins, or whatever you want. The judging will take place on Oct. 17. This event is for kids and adults! I hope the community will support this event and join together for a little fun at the library . You could even check out some of our fall magazines! That is where I found some ideas.
From the Rippey library shelves – One of the entertaining Iowa history books on the Library shelves is Rogues and Heroes from Iowa’s Amazing Past by George Mills with Frank Miller’s drawings. Heroes highlighted in the book include: George Washington Carver, Chief Black Hawk, Carrie Chapman Catt, and stage star, Lillian Russell. Equally interesting rogues and the stories are John Dillinger and his gang, The Cardiff Giant Hoax and the Margarine War of 1948, Learn more about these interesting characters and stories of Iowa history. ~ Nancy Hanaman
Special cousins visit – After attending the Greene County Reads event in Paton, Jean Borgeson visited with her cousin, Judy Wilson, before returning home. It was so good to see each other in person and share laughter as we remembered our good times growing up together.I always enjoyed staying with Uncle Eldon and Auntie Lois each summer.
Trip to Wisconsin – Dale and Nancy Hanaman drove to Wausau, WI, to be part of the Celebration of Life for Claire Hornby, granddaughter of their friends, Charles and Lin Strong from Wausau. Claire fought a brave fight against a rare form of childhood cancer.
Sisters visit – On Saturday, Sept.19, Jean Borgeson rode to Carroll with Phyllis Bardole, where they visited with Phyllis’ sister, Valerie Ogren. The conversation usually involves a little genealogy and this visit was no different. The first thing I did when I got home was to look up and review the connection between my husband and Valerie’s husband. I first met them at the “Swedish Picnic” in Storm Lake, where the relatives from Jackson, MN and the IA met each year. I found a picture that a couple of those people had presented both Ralph and Albert a silver tray with the inscription of our wedding day on it. I was amazed that I found the file so quickly and very grateful to Valerie that she had shared the Swedish connection those many years ago. Now all I have to do is get it organized and copied for my kids and grandchildren!